In Your Own Airplane
Our initial transition and recurrent training for the King Air 90 through 260 Series is an FAA FITS-formatted program. It is designed to bring you up to speed on your aircraft, its systems, operations, procedures, and handling characteristics in an organized, thorough and efficient manner. The program relies upon highly experienced and skilled instructors, a thorough, self-directed pre-work process followed by a series of full emersion, one-on-one sessions involving both classroom and actual flight training, in your own airplane, logging real, actual flight time. The process is tailored to you, your background, your learning style and on your schedule. When you complete our program you will be proficient in VFR and IFR conditions, able to handle normal, abnormal and emergency scenarios to ACS standards established for your pilot certificate.

Because you bring a unique set of experiences and knowledge to the initial training process, it is flexible, and seeks to build on your prior experiences, while setting the proper framework for the safe operation of this highly advanced, incredible high- performance aircraft. The goal of transition training is to provide you with the knowledge, skill, and self-confidence to begin flying your new King Air twin turboprop so you can take full advantage of all its unique capabilities and characteristics.
Formal training consists of a series of organized lessons starting with a review of the pre-work to ensure an adequate working knowledge of the basics. From there, each lesson builds on the prior one. Through this series of training scenarios you are introduced to all of the Twin Cessna systems, its performance characteristics, each of the normal, abnormal and emergency procedures, as well as the various servicing and handling procedures for the King Air. As the lessons progress, you will transition from learning to performing and ultimately to demonstrating competence. The course is designed for an experienced multi engine pilot holding at least a Private Pilot Certificate with an Instrument rating with who has 500 to 1500 hours of overall experience, has at least 100 hours of multi engine time and who has flow 100 or more hours in the previous 12 months. It also assumes at least a working knowledge of the basic aircraft instrumentation package including Auto Pilot, Flight Director, HSI or EHSI, GPS, Moving Maps, MFD and so forth. Each course will be tailored to the specifics of your aircraft. Should your requirements include transition to "glass" (G600/500 or similar systems), the course will be tailored to include that training and additional time will most likely be required. The course itself consists of 5 individual lessons. Those lessons are covered over the course of 5 days. Each lesson consists of a pre-flight ground session in which the scenario is reviewed including flight details, goals for the lesson, clarification of systems and processes to be worked on and flight details need to complete the flight planning process. Typical flight lessons consist of 3 separate cross country legs (a triangle trip) with cruise times of at least 45 to 60 minutes. After completing the briefing, flight preparations and planning process, these scenarios are designed to introduce you to the basic procedures from weight and balance to pre-flight inspection, engine start, taxi, run-up and so forth. During this session you will practice the application of all the normal procedures for operating your aircraft over the course of three individuals VFR flights at various altitudes. Each flight segment will provide the opportunity to become familiar with the aircraft handling characteristics and begin introducing you to its systems as you are shown how to operate them and then practice doing so. This set of flights focuses on transitioning from VFR to IFR flight including planning both on the ground and airborne. You will practice utilizing the avionics, the flight management, the information systems as well as the flight automation systems. These scenarios are designed to complete your introduction to the aircraft systems and normal procedures, giving you the opportunity for hands on practice over the course of three flights at various altitudes with cruise time of approximately 1 hour each. ABNORMAL PROCEDURES: These scenarios will introduce abnormal procedures in which you will experience a variety of system malfunctions and failures. Each failure will be discussed during the pre-flight briefing along with appropriate responses and then be introduced to you during the course of the day's flying. While each flight will be a cross country IFR flight at typical cruise altitudes, time will be taken between each leg to review the experience of the previous leg and set the stage for the next one. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES: This lesson will start with a review of abnormal procedures then move into emergency procedures. All flights will start as cross country missions incorporating situations that have historically lead to issues. These scenarios will provide the opportunity to practice and adhere to all of the major emergency procedures established for your King Air. As with previous sessions, each flight will be briefed including what will happen, how to respond to it and you will be expected to discuss the appropriate responses to each situation on the ground as well as follow those procedures with minimal coaching, in the air. PULLING IT ALL TOGETHER: The final lesson of the series, like all previous lessons will consist of three cross country flights built around realistic scenarios. Each scenario will be reviewed prior to the flight and you will be expected to complete the flight with little or no assistance from the instructor. The PT will plan the flight profile and perform all preflight procedures, engine start-up, avionics set-up, taxi and before-Take-off procedures. This is accomplished prior to Take-off for each leg of the flight. Runway incursions, ground operations, collision avoidance, abnormal indications, and corrective actions should be performed without assistance from your instructor. At this point, all decisions affecting the operation of these flights are to be made by you while employing appropriate aeronautical decision-making skills. Annual Pilot Proficiency Checks (or Recurrent Training) enables you to go back over the basics and to re-familiarize yourself with the procedures you don't use on a regular basis, if at all - namely abnormal and emergency procedures. The PC is an opportunity to delve into the unusual events that, thankfully, are not part of every day flying. For that very reason, it is important to review these processes and procedures. Flying is largely routine, until it isn't - and when it isn't normal, knowing what to do and how to do it becomes important very quickly. So, in addition to going through the normal VFR things like steep turns, slow flight, short field and cross wind takeoff and landings, we review and practice abnormal and emergency procedures. IFR procedures are also convered including abnormal and emergency scenarios for the same reasons. Additionally, we can conduct a portion of your PC at night should that be needed and/or desired. The PC is a learning and train to proficiency event which can be conducted all at one, annually, or spread out over time. Many of our clients prefer to get together every 3 or 4 months rather than annually. Our PROGRESSIVE program is designed to do just that. Call us for details. The FAA requirement for ongoing learning or continuous education can be satisfied through a number of options including attending safety seminars, adding a rating to your existing certificate, participating in online courses or by simply getting together with a certified flight instructor and going through a "BFR". Many pilots simply choose the "BFR" route and often this is accomplished in conjunction with some other training event such as an initial aircraft course. * Ground requirement is accomplished through any one of several means including interactive computer based training, directed video presentations or one on one classroom type discussions reviewing FAR’s, aviation safety and focusing on a pilot’s self identified areas of interest. Various online “wings” accredited programs can also satisfy the ground portions provided they are accomplished within a reasonable timeframe. Flight training associated with the "BFR" is an opportunity to brush up on techniques, practice basic maneuvers such as slow flight and stall recovery along with emergency procedures. This is not a “check-ride” but rather a chance to reinforce basics, perhaps learn new techniques and expand your airmanship skill inventory. The length of time involved must be at least one hour of flight time. This is sometimes referred to as in Instrument Competency Check (ICC) in the insurance world. In short, it is an informal refresher for those pilots who don’t regularly log actual IMC and/or actual IFR approaches. It can also be used to get reacquainted with a specific instrument panel layout or become familiar with a new type of instrument such as an HSI/EHSI or a Flight Director system. Insurance companies occasionally require an ICC prior to issuing coverage to an IFR rated pilot purchasing an airplane. This is especially true when the new airplane has a more advanced cockpit with GPS systems, multi function displays and/or EFIS systems. Most commonly however, an ICC is used to simply restore IFR currency. Under construction
Initial Training Course
Lesson Plan
Lesson 1 - Day One
Lesson 2 - Day One
Lesson 3 - Day Two
Lesson 4 - Day Three
Lesson 5 - Day FIVE
Recurrent Training - Pilot Proficiency Checks
Flight Review & Instrument Competency Certification
Under Development