Initial Aircraft training for single and multi-engine turboprops are FAA/FITS training programs designed to bring you up to speed on aircraft familiarization, systems, normal and emergency procedures, and the handling characteristics of your turboprop aircraft in an organized, thorough and efficient manner. The program incorporates a self-directed, pre-training study process, followed by a series of one-on-one training sessions. These full emersion sessions consist of a series of ground sessions and cross-country flight scenarios.
Recurrent Aircraft training for these high performance turboprop aircraft applies all of the same techniques as the initial training program. It employs a self-directed study/refresher program, and a written, open book test prior to day one of your recurrent training. From there, the program moves directly into one-on-one ground and flight training sessions utilizing cross country scenarios covering normal, abnormal and emergency situations in both VFR and IFR conditions.
As with initial training, Each client brings a unique set of experiences and knowledge to the initial training process. The training itself is flexible, seeking to build on your prior experiences and setting the proper framework for the safe operations in your aircraft. Completion standards are based on demonstrating knowledge and flight proficiency to FAA PTS standards in VFR and IFR conditions responding to the normal, abnormal and emergency scenarios presented. Standards applied are the PTS standards for the level of pilot certificate you hold.
The goal of recurrent training is to refresh your knowledge and skills, address any issues you may have encountered and ensure that you leave with the self-confidence to continue flying your turboprop aircraft safely and effectively.

Single Engine Turboprop
Pilatus PC-12-45/47
Daher TBM-700/850/900/930
Piper Meridian/M500/600 and JetProp DLX
Multi Engine Turboprops
Beechcraft King Air Series: 90/100/200/250
Cessna Conquest I & II