Rick Bents – New Orleans/Slidell, LA
ATP and Flight Instructor for:
-Single & Multi-Engine Land
-Instrument Airplane
-Turbojet, Turboprop, and Piston Instructor
Initial and Recurrent Instructor for:
Beechcraft King Air 90 / 200
Cessna 210 Centurion / 414A Chancellor / 421 GoldenEagle / 425 Conquest I / 441 Conquest II
Pilot Credentials and Flight Experience:
Type Rating: Cessna Citation 560 CE-500
Rick is a professional pilot and accomplished CFI based across Lake Pontchartrain from New Orleans at Slidell. He holds an ATP AMEL certificate with COM ASEL & ASES and Instrument ratings along with CFI/II/MEI privileges. In his day-to-day work, he flies as a corporate pilot in a Cessna Conquest II and a King Air 90 for local operators.
Prior to his civilian work, he was an F/A-18 evaluator pilot/department head, T-45 instructor, and S-3B pilot/training officer in the Navy. Rick is one of our busiest instructors for our Conquest and King Air training clients and has conducted standardization work for Wright Aviation CFIs in the past. Recently, he has earned a Cessna Citation CE-500 type rating on the 560 Ultra
Additional Aircraft Experience:
Beechcraft Bonanza BE33/35/36
Beechcraft Baron BE55/58
Beechcraft Twin Bonanza BE50
Beechcraft Queen Air BE65
Cessna 560 Ultra
Daher TBM 700/850/900
Mooney M20J
Rockwell Turbo Commander AC-90/95
Sweringen Fairchild Metroliner SA-227TT
McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet, T-45 Goshawk
Grumman S-3B Viking