Michael Zimmermann – Fredericksburg, VA
ATP and Senior Flight Instructor
-Airplane Single/Multi-Engine Land
-Instrument Airplane
-Turbojet, Turboprop instructor
Michael, based at the Fredericksburg-Shannon Airport, VA serves the greater Charlottesville and Northern Virginia area. He is a 15,500 hour ATP AMEL/COM ASEL with CFI/CFII/MEI privileges. A flight instructor since 1997, he has worked extensively as the chief pilot on a fleet of six chartered Pilatus aircraft. That work includes Flight Director and piloting duties on the PC12 turboprop and PC24 business jet among others. Michael brings in his extensive experience for our Pilatus pilots and operators and is our most qualified subject matter expert with 10,000 hours in all versions of the PC12 from the early Legacy models to the latest NGX.
Recurrent Instructor for:
Pilatus PC12 Legacy -41/-45/-47/-47NG/NGX
Pilatus PC24 business jet